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New Clinic New Blog

I am very excited to announce that TopazMessenger is now located inside Luna Circle Wellness. The new address is 1003 Luna Circle NW, Albuquerque NM 87102. The address is on Luna Circle, but Luna Circle is a small cul de sac right on Lomas blvd, so the address might as well be 1003 Lomas NW and you might get better directions from your GPS if you use that instead.

Located in downtown Albuquerque, Luna Circle Wellness is near where many work and live; it should be convenient for many patients. The building is an old house that has been converted to an office building. Dr Lindsay Meade, DOM, is the owner of the building and also sees patients there through her practice Acuquerque. In addition to Dr Meade and myself, we have a massage therapist. We are actively recruiting other health care providers to join our space of healing and wellness.


I will be available for treatments and consultation at TopazMessenger, inside Luna Circle Wellness, during the following hours for the foreseeable future:

  • Monday : 9am to 5pm
  • Wednesday : 10am to 7pm
  • Friday : 8am to 12pm

Limited other hours/times available by prior arrangement.

Community Health

In addition to private treatments by outstanding health care providers, Luna Circle Wellness seeks to be a center for community involvement and events. We have a community bulletin board to list local events. We will also be teaching classes and having lectures on various topics that intersect with community and health.

In addition, we have a community acupuncture clinic in one of our larger rooms. Community acupuncture provides low cost treatments in a group setting. Licensed doctors of Oriental medicine focus on treating points on the lower arms, lower legs, head, and ears. This allows all patients to remain fully clothed during the entire treatment. Cost for treatments is $25 per treatment with a $15 first time paperwork fee. This cost is lower than most patient's co-pays with insurance. It is also a good treatment option for patients that do not have insurance, or whose insurance does not cover acupuncture.

See here for more details on our community acupuncture clinic.

Treatment Philosophy

This blog will be dedicated to informing the public and patients about Asian medicine and how I use it in clinic to help patients achieve Phenomenal Health. Above all, I believe in trying to meet patients where they are at the moment they walk in the clinic door. This means that I focus on treating people, not treating disease. Asian medicine examines and evaluates the entire person, not just specific symptoms or diseases. By looking at the person as a whole, a complete treatment plan is developed that nourishes health instead of just removing or hiding symptoms.

Acupuncture is just one part of Asian medicine, and I use the full range of this time tested medicine to benefit my patients. Some other parts are:

  • Tui Na : Asian bodywork and deep tissue massage
  • Cupping : use of glass cups and suction to increase circulation and relax muscles
  • Moxabustion : burning mugwort wool near the skin to gently warm the body and increase circulation and healing.

Finally Herbal Medicine is another key component of Asian medicine. In my masters program, many of my classes were devoted mostly or entirely to herbal theory and treatment. Asian medicine vary rarely prescribes single herbs. Instead since the focus is on the whole body, formulas of several herbs are prescribed for the specific patient's condition. Often these are modified from week to week or month to month as the patient's condition changes slightly and responds to treatment.

I have partnered with several companies to provide my patients with access to Chinese herbal formulas. Some of these companies are local, and some are national suppliers. By using companies that focus on providing high quality herbs, I can ensure that my patients receive the best care and quality healing substances available at cost efficient pricing. Follow this blog for more about some of the partners I use to provide access to this powerful component of Asian medicine.

Come and Visit!

As part of my commitment to community health, I offer Free health evaluations at Luna Circle Wellness clinic. This gives me a chance to talk one on one with potential patients and go over how Asian medicine can help them Be Phenomenal. It includes complete vital signs, including pulse and tongue diagnosis which are key to diagnosing the whole body in Asian Medicine. At the end of the evaluation you will:

  • Have a better idea of your health in terms of Asian Medicine
  • See how any symptoms you may have relate to the Big Picture of your overall health
  • Get a personal treatment plan for if you decide to partner with me to help achieve your health goals.
  • Be under no obligation for further services if you so choose.

You can request your Free health evaluation from my website.


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