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Acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anhui University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) compared the efficacy of acupuncture plus herbs in one study group with drugs in another study group.

This is a fairly well designed study that compares acupuncture to allopathic treatment. Some studies compare acupuncture with "sham acupuncture." That is where acupuncture needles are inserted into non-acupuncture points on the body. Training, diagnosis, and proper point location certainly do increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment. However, any needle insertion in the body is going to trigger some of the effects of acupuncture, even if they do not use standardized points. Comparing acupuncture to drug therapy gives a more clear result. 

The study showed that acupuncture and herbs was more effective than conventional drug therapy. Acupuncture has a very low risk of side effects and other complications, make it safer than many drugs that are prescribed for autoimmune disorders like RA. You should never change or stop medication without consulting your doctor, especially the one who prescribed the medication. Acupuncture and most herbs can be administered while you are still taking your medication

The study used protocols, or similar points/herbs for all patients. This is advantageous in research because it provides more standardized results with less variables. However, every human is different and acupuncture and Asian medicine treats the whole body, not just a group of symptoms. In clinical practice, better and more lasting results are obtained by customizing the treatment to the patient and adjusting each subsequent treatment based on changing presentation.

Link for more information on the study: Here.

Just a reminder, that if you have RA (or any other health condition) I offer free health evaluations where I will discus your concerns 1 on 1 and provide you with an honest assessment of acupuncture and herbal therapy for your condition.


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