Shen Qi Wan / Kidney Qi Pill
- Rhizoma Rehmanniae / shu di huang 240g
- Fructus Corni / shan zhu yu 120g
- Rhizoma Dioscoreae / shan yao 120g
- Rhizoma Alismatis / ze xie 90g
- Poria / fu ling 90g
- Cortex Moutan Radix / mu dan pi 90g
- Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata / zhi fu zi 30g
- Cinnamomi Ramulus / gui zhi 30g
Preparation grind the herbs into powder and form 9g pills with honey to hold them together, take one pill one or two times per day.
Notice anything familiar about this formula? The first six ingredients are the exact same as the formula from two weeks ago, Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia. That formula treats Kidney Yin Vacuity, where as this formula, Kidney Qi Pill, treats Kidney Yang Vacuity. Often Yin and Yang are described as opposites, but these two formulas illustrates a very important point in Chinese Medical theory. Though they are opposites, it is the interaction or combination of both Yin and Yang that allows life to exist.
All phenomena whether relatively yin or yang have both a yin and yang aspect
The Kidney governs essence whose yin and yang aspects are often called fire and water of the Kidney. Yin and Yang are also relative, for example essence is Yin compared to qi but it is Yang compared to blood. While all things have a Yin and Yang aspect, Yin and Yang are also said to be interdependent that is they cannot exist without each other. This formula also illustrates the relationship of Yin and Yang. We say that
Yin nourishes Yang and Yang protects Yin
Even though the other herbs are present in higher doses, the principle herbs are considered to be Aconiti Radix lateralis bao fu zi and Cinnamomi Ramulus gui zhi because they have the function to warm Yang, which is the primary action of this formula as a whole. Aconiti radix is toxic, so the prepared form is used in this formula and it is important to pay attention to the dosing. Both of these herbs are warming and strongly dispel cold. Aconiti radix is also said to warm the source fire which is a reference to the yang aspect of Kidney Essence. In addition to being warming cinnamomi ramulus both stabilizes the exterior and promotes qi transformation in the Bladder. The Bladder and Kidney are yin-yang paired organs, so in this way cinnamomi ramulus strengthens Kidney Yang. Cinnamomi ramulus also moves blood and unblocks blood stasis, which if not treated can impede the proper metabolism of fluids by Kidney Yang. Student acupuncturists are often perplexed by this formula and Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia. While Kidney Qi Pill contains Yin tonics, Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia does not contain Yang tonics. Part of this is explained by the quote above: Yin nourishes Yang but Yang does not nourish Yin; understanding these two formulas together helps us understand the relationship of Yin to Yang. Also this formula focuses on the Yang of the Kidneys, which can be summarized as fluid metabolism which must have enough fluid to process in order to be healthy. These two formulas are used as much as teaching tools and examples for students as much as they are prescribed to patients to treat illness.
This blog is for information purposes only and is not medical advice. Never start, stop, or change the dose of any medication or supplements, including herbs, without talking to your doctor. Every effort has been made to present accurate information, but the accuracy of any information here is not guaranteed. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory agency.
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