There are two things that are important to keep in mind when going to an acupuncturist for treatment Acupuncturists are medical providers, similar to nurse practitioners and other physicians. Acupuncturists do more than acupuncture, they practice a complete system of integrated medicine to nourish health. In New Mexico and several other states they are primary care providers Acupuncturists are more than acupuncture! They are physicians that have undergone over 2500h of graduate level education in integrated medicine. Acupuncture is rooted in traditional wisdom of how humans interact with the rest of nature and our bodies place in the larger ecosystem. It is a medicine that focus on nourishing health over fighting disease or just controlling symptoms of illness. Even though acupuncture is a traditional treatment method, modern acupuncturists are trained and well versed in modern science and biomedicine. The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) r...
Topaz Messenger is an acupuncture and holistic health practice run by Steven Malins. Qi is an essential organization required for life. This is a blog by Steven about health, acupuncture, spirituality, community, and what makes life worth living.